How to Use Local Marketing to Increase Patient Flow 

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February 22, 2023

Did you know that almost 50% of all search inquiries are local?

With that in mind, local marketing should be one of your top priorities.

However, in the incredibly competitive industry of healthcare, it can be exceptionally challenging to stand out and attract new patients at a local level.

But it doesn’t have to be…

Tips for using local marketing to attract more patients

There are many ways you can utilize local marketing to increase your patient flow. For starters, you can:

Participate in community events

One of the best ways to get involved in your local community is to participate in local events. This could include sponsoring a charity event, setting up a booth at a local fair, or offering a free health screening at a community center. By participating in local events like these, you can meet new people, share information about your services, and build relationships with potential clients or patients.

Offer a free seminar

Hosting a free seminar or workshop is an effective way to showcase your expertise and provide valuable information to potential patients or clients. This may include a talk on a specific health topic, such as diabetes management or heart health, or a workshop on healthy cooking or exercise.

Connect with other local businesses

Networking with other local businesses can help increase your visibility and attract more clients or patients to your practice. For example, you may wish to consider offering a referral program to local gyms or health food stores, or partner with a local salon to offer a special wellness package.

Leverage online listings

Online listings like Google Business Profile, Yelp, and Healthgrades are vital tools for local marketing. The more local listings you have, the easier it will be for potential patients nearby to find your practice online when searching for providers in your area.

Host an open house 

If you’re new to the area, hosting an open house is an effective way to introduce your practice to the local community. Invite potential patients to tour your facility, meet your staff, and learn more about your services. You could also offer a free health screening or other incentives to encourage attendees to schedule an appointment.

Create local content

Creating content that is tailored to your local community is a great way to attract new patients. This includes writing blog posts about local health trends, using local SEO to tailor your content keywords around local terms (e.g., city name, “near me”), publishing articles in local publications, and more. Another great way to create local content is through videos or social media posts that highlight your involvement in the local community.

Benefits of using local marketing

There are many benefits that come with using local marketing strategies. Targeted reach, increased trust, cost, and enhanced visibility are just a few.

Targeted reach

Local marketing allows healthcare providers to reach their target audience more effectively. By focusing on the local community, you can develop a more targeted marketing message that speaks directly to the needs and interests of your desired patients or clients.

Build trust

When you focus on building relationships with the local community, it helps build trust with them. This is particularly important in the healthcare industry, where trust and credibility are critical factors in the decision-making process.


Local marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods for quite a few reasons. One of the biggest contributors to its affordability is the niche targeting aspect of it all. Print and radio ads, on the other hand, are much more expensive, with no guarantee that they’ll reach the right people. In contrast, local marketing efforts like community events, sponsorships, SEO, and online listings can be more affordable and targeted.

Improve visibility

Local marketing efforts can help to increase the visibility of your healthcare practice. By participating in local events, sponsoring community initiatives, and networking with other local businesses, you can help to raise awareness of your services and position your practice as a trusted resource in the community.

Local marketing is an effective way for healthcare providers to attract more patients and build a strong reputation in their local community. For help grasping the ins and outs of healthcare marketing, join the OPTICS™ academy to learn from experienced specialists and speak with like-minded professionals who are having the same struggles as you.