You’re Not Alone: The Truth About MRBSIt’s time to address a somewhat common yet rarely spoken of disorder that affects many of us men: Male Refrigerator Blindness Syndrome (MRBS). Today, I am stepping forward to admit that I, too, have long suffered from this frustrating affliction. Far too often, men like myself stand befuddled before the

Artificial Intelligence Meets Its Match: A Call to Unity and Support for Sufferers of MRB Syndrome.

Level-Up Your Employees Before Your Competitors Do.SAP’s recent commitment to reskill 8,000 employees for an AI-centric future should serve as a screaming smoke alarm for every business leader. A whopping 76% of employees have not received training in the use of AI, despite a 49% increase in its presence in organizations. SAP’s move serves as a

The AI Skills Gap: A Silent Threat to Your Business’s Future and How to Fix It

Not getting what you want out of Generative AI?Have you ever felt like you’re just skimming the surface of what’s possible with Generative AI, barely scratching its immense potential? You’re not alone. Many companies find themselves at a crossroads in 2024, where Generative AI is no longer just an emerging technology but a revolutionary tool that is

Gartner: Generative AI is Entering the Trough of Disillusionment

Are rumors of ChatGPT’s demise based in reality or are they just a big AI hallucination?OpenAI’s future has been a hot topic of discussion, with rumors now swirling about potential bankruptcy in 2024. But is this a realistic concern or just a figment of the tech world’s imagination? Feels more like the typical news media clickbait trying

Will OpenAI go bankrupt in 2024?

Are you feeling a bit like a fish out of water when it comes to all this talk about AI in marketing and using ChatGPT? You’re not alone. It’s a big, techy world out there, and it’s changing faster than a cheetah on a caffeine buzz.You know that feeling when you’re late to a party and everyone

How to Use ChatGPT Plugins

Ever feel like you’re creating content in the dark? You’re putting out blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters, but it feels like it’s falling on deaf ears. The engagement isn’t quite where you want it to be.Those top-performing competitors? They seem to have an uncanny knack for producing content that resonates deeply with

How to Use AI for Content Creation

Unleash the power of AI to transform your marketing strategyYou’re a savvy business owner or marketer. You’ve got your finger on the pulse of your industry, and you’re always on the lookout for ways to get ahead. But lately, you’ve been noticing some symptoms that suggest your marketing efforts might be falling short. Maybe your customer

27 AI Tools You Can Use Right Now for Data Insights and Scalable Marketing

As a small business owner, your day-to-day operations are a juggling act. You’re managing sales, overseeing marketing, handling customer service, and that’s not even mentioning your strategic duties. It’s a whirlwind, but you’re managing it – until you’re not. You start noticing tasks piling up, your team is stretched thin, and your growth seems to

How Small Businesses can Integrate AI to Accelerate Processes