Become an
AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ Certified Instructor

Expand your service offerings, differentiate yourself in the market, and provide greater value to your clients.

Who Should Become an AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ Certified Instructor?

Are you passionate about empowering others with practical, cutting-edge AI skills? Do you want to be at the forefront of AI education and help businesses, students, or clients harness the power of AI? If so, becoming an AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ Certified Instructor might be the perfect fit for you.

College & University Educators

As an educator teaching AI-related courses, you can integrate our AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™ frameworks into your curriculum. You'll equip your students with hands-on experience in developing efficient, reusable prompts and strategic AI implementation plans.

Our certification will help you prepare your students for immediate success in the workforce. They'll gain practical skills that are in high demand across industries.

With our frameworks, you can give your students a competitive edge and set them up for success in their AI careers.

Business Consultants and
AI Strategists

As a consultant offering AI services, you can expand your offerings and deliver greater value to your clients. By becoming certified in our proven AI methodologies, you'll gain the expertise to identify high-impact opportunities and develop tailored strategies.

Our certification will enable you to help your clients crystalize their AI implementation strategy and create scalable, reusable prompts that drive efficiency and results. 

With our certification, you can take your consulting practice to the next level and help your clients achieve their AI goals.

CMOs and Agency Professionals

As an agency professional providing AI services, you can enhance your team's capabilities and offer comprehensive solutions to your clients.

By becoming certified in our AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™ frameworks, you can upskill your team and deliver cutting-edge AI services.

Our certification will help you stay ahead of the curve in AI innovation and foster a culture of continuous learning within your agency. You'll be able to leverage these powerful frameworks to create tailored AI solutions that drive results for your clients.

What Does It Mean To Be Certified

Teach AI Concepts & Tools

You'll guide professionals in understanding and applying AI principles, including the AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™.

Facilitate Learning Sessions

You'll have new tools to lead engaging workshops and training sessions to ensure participants effectively adopt and scale AI within their organizations.

Coach Business Leaders

You'll provide practical and strategic insights to support leadership teams, helping them enhance their AI capabilities and adoption strategies.

How Can You Get Certified?

Enroll in The AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ Certification Bootcamp

This comprehensive training will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively teach the AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™ frameworks.

During the Bootcamp, you'll experience live training sessions, giving you the opportunity to interact with our expert facilitators and fellow participants. You'll also have access to an online community of peers, where you can collaborate, share ideas, and learn from one another. Plus, our facilitators will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance throughout the Bootcamp and beyond, via email or the online community.

AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ Instructor Designations

Our AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ Certification program offers three levels of recognition, each with its own set of requirements to ensure our instructors maintain the highest standards of expertise and teaching quality.

Level 1 Certified


  • Completion of the AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ Certification Bootcamp.
  • Demonstrate competence in teaching others the AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™.
  • Active engagement with multiple companies, offering guidance on AI adoption and strategy.
  • Contribute to the development or significant update of at least one training module or resource annually.
  • Continuous training and professional development towards AI mastery.

Level 2 Certified


  • Fulfillment of all Level 1 Instructor requirements.
  • Train at least 10 businesses or 50 students per year in a minimum of 3 cohorts.
  • Maintain an average trainee feedback score of 4 out of 5 or higher.
  • Conducted a comprehensive range of AI Strategy Canvas™ & Scalable Prompting™ sessions, covering all aspects of the framework.
  • Contribute to the development or significant update of at least two training modules or resources annually.

Level 3 Certified


  • Fulfillment of all Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor requirements.
  • Train at least 50 businesses or 250 students per year in a minimum of 8 cohorts.
  • Maintain an average trainee feedback score of 4 out of 5 or higher.
  • Demonstrated a high level of mastery in AI strategy, Scalable Prompt Engineering™ and AI integration.
  • Contribute to the development or significant update of at least three training modules or resources annually.

Apply for the Certification Training Today!

What's included?

  • 15 hours of immersive, online training
  • Live, interactive sessions led by expert facilitators
  • Comprehensive instruction on the AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™ frameworks
  • Hands-on exercises and case studies to reinforce learning
  • Access to an online community of peers for collaboration and networking
  • Unlimited support from facilitators via email and the online community
  • Personalized feedback on assignments and progress
  • Practical guidance on teaching and implementing the frameworks
  • Resources and materials to support your learning and future teaching endeavors
  • Opportunity to demonstrate competence and earn Level 1 Certification upon completion
  • Discounts available for university and college professors