AI SkillsBuilder™

Framework Focused AI Training

Scalable AI Training Throughout the Entire Organization

The AI SkillsBuilder™ Series

Eliminate skill gaps, inefficiencies, and unfulfilled potential... adding significant value to your company's productivity... and the CONFIDENCE to implement AI tools… with just a few training sessions… No matter how little you know about AI!

What You'll Learn

In our 6-week accelerated training, you'll learn to master Scalable Prompt Engineering™, Brand Voice DNA™, and Prompt Scaling™.

You'll become a master at using our AI Strategy Canvas™ for Scalable Prompt Engineering™ throughout your organization. This is the secret to scaling AI adoption in your organization and accelerating your understanding of AI prompting.

You'll be able to streamline your repetitive processes, ensuring they are efficient, consistent, and aligned with your brand standards.

You'll no longer be overwhelmed by content creation challenges, and you'll be empowered to drive better marketing strategies and execution, ultimately leading to dramatically improved business results.

The AI Strategy Canvas™

The AI Strategy Canvas™ is a powerful yet easily understood tool that our clients use to develop scalable AI strategies and tactics.

It’s a clear and powerful framework that aligns AI initiatives with business objectives, ensuring that your AI outputs are efficient, effective, and resonate with your target audience. 

This practical approach covers essential aspects like understanding your audience, your competitive advantages, your security and privacy concerns, and your brand voice, facilitating a streamlined integration of AI into your marketing operations.

The AI Strategy Canvas™ is an ideal resource for quickly bringing everyone in the organization onto the same page, making AI adoption more coherent and impactful.

The Power of Scalable Prompt Engineering™

We've developed a highly efficient way to manage content creation without compromising on quality or consistency.

Our Accelerated ChatGPT Training introduces you to a process we created called Scalable Prompt Engineering™. 

It's our breakthrough method for creating and scaling front-end ChatGPT prompts. It's a powerful technique that accelerates content creation and allows you to scale AI adoption across your entire team. 

Scalable Prompt Engineering™ is the key to efficient and effective content creation.

This technique eliminates the frustrations, inefficiencies, and redundancies often associated with prompt creation. 

Imagine being able to draft engaging social media posts that are true to your brand, or write long-form, well-researched blog posts in an authentic voice no matter who is prompting ChatGPT.

With Scalable Prompt Engineering™, all this and more is possible.

Building a Prompt Library in Notion

A prompt strategy is useless if others in your organization have to constantly rewrite their own prompts. 

That's why we teach you how to create a Prompt Library in Notion. This library will serve as a shared resource throughout your organization, helping to streamline your content creation process.

Your prompt library will also act as a staging and production area, allowing prompts to be finessed and approved for future use.

Brainstorming with ChatGPT

Innovation is critical to growth and survival in today's fast-paced and turbulent economy.

We'll teach you how to use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas, fine-tune your strategy, and execute with consistency and precision. 

Imagine having a tool that can help every employee in your organization generate innovative ideas and strategies at the click of a button. 

That's the power of ChatGPT when used correctly.

Real-world Applications

The techniques we teach aren't just theoretical. We use them every day to run our business, and are constantly adding to our library.

Every prompt we teach can be applied to a wide range of scenarios in your own business.

Whether you work at a printing company, a bank, a hospital, a software company, or an IT services provider, this six week course will be a game changer for you.

Who is This Training For?

This online, immersive program is tailored specifically for business professionals who want to master AI skills and accelerate the adoption of AI throughout their organization.

It is specifically designed for those seeking hands-on training and focused application of AI technologies in their business operations. It is not for those seeking a basic or theoretical understanding of AI. It's for those who want to learn and apply skills using their own company for real-world application.

On day one, we're going to zero in on safety and security because it's critical that you know how to operate AI safely, securely and ethically. It's also essential that you know how to spot and deal with the AI content that is probably flooding your inbox and social media feed.

Then we'll do a deep dive into the AI Strategy Canvas™, which is the foundational tool that we use to get everyone on the same page and operating from the same level of understanding. This framework has helped hundreds of people almost instantly improve their understanding of generative AI and how to scale its use in their organization. You're going to learn our proprietary process for creating what we call Scalable Prompt Engineering™.

We'll show you how to use AI to streamline all sorts of departmental focused workflows. Throughout the course we're going to work with you to create reusable AI assistants. By the end of our six weeks together, you'll have one or more custom AI assistants for your business that will help you streamline and simplify the very tasks that are robbing you of productivity.

Meet Your Instructor

John Munsell

Chief Executive Officer
Bizzuka, Inc.

John Munsell is the co-founder of Bizzuka, an AI consulting firm focused on artificial intelligence strategy, training, and implementation. With a career spanning over 25 years in marketing, software development, financial services, and sales, John brings a wealth of experience to AI upskilling.

John serves as the Adjunct Instructor of Artificial Intelligence at Louisiana State University, contributing to the academic field while leading Bizzuka. His work centers on helping enterprise leadership teams develop AI competency frameworks and upskill their workforce.

John is the creator of the AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompting™, a fundamental methodology for seamlessly integrating AI technologies across various business departments. Through his corporate training programs and the CXO AI Roundtable, John has personally trained over 200 corporate executives and managers, equipping them with practical AI skills to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and foster innovative new product development.

Our AI SkillsBuilder Course Curriculum

Learn to strategically scale AI adoption in this comprehensive 6-week, immersive and hands-on training. Each week builds on the previous, and after every session you'll be able to immediately put to use the skills you learn.

  • Foundations I

  • Foundations II

  • Foundations III

  • Practical AI applications I-III

  • AI Automation I

Privacy, Safety, Security, & Ethics

Introduction to AI

  • Assessing ethics in AI, security, privacy, and compliance
  • Evaluating current AI adoption
  • Establishing adoption timelines, goals, and strategies

Office Hours

  • Participants present their strategy blocks
  • Feedback session on prompt blocks & sequences
  • Participants select their capstone project

You begin your journey into AI mastery by understanding the ethical implications, privacy concerns, and compliance requirements of using AI in marketing. You'll evaluate your current AI adoption, set realistic timelines, goals, and strategies. By the end of the week, you'll master what information you should and shouldn't share with each generative AI tool. 

Sign Up Today!

What's included?

  • 12 hours of recorded instruction (a $4,200 value)
  • 2 months access to our AI OPTICS™ Certified Mastermind Community (a $2,500 value)
  • Our Advanced Marketer prompt database (a $477 value)

Our Ironclad, Money-back Guarantee:

We are committed to your complete satisfaction with our training. To ensure you get the most out of this transformative experience, we have a clear and straightforward guarantee:

  1. Full Participation Required: To qualify for our guarantee, we ask that you fully engage with the training. This means attending all four training sessions, participating in the Office Hours for additional support, and completing all assigned coursework. We believe in the power of commitment and active participation to achieve the best results.
  2. Collaborative Effort: We're here to support you every step of the way. If you're putting in the effort but not seeing the results, work with us. We'll collaborate closely to ensure you're on track to meet your goals.
  3. Our Promise to You: If, after attending all eight sessions (four training sessions and four Office Hours) and fulfilling the course requirements, you find that you're not satisfied with the outcome, we offer two options:
  • Prompt Refund: We'll provide a full refund, no questions asked. Your investment is protected, and your satisfaction is our top priority.
  • Complimentary Private Session: Alternatively, if you prefer, we'll offer a 2-hour private session with our expert trainers at no additional cost. This session is tailored to address your specific challenges and ensure you achieve the results you're looking for.

Our guarantee is designed to give you peace of mind and confidence in your journey with us. We're dedicated to your success and committed to providing a great learning experience with exceptional outcomes.


Want more details on group pricing or just want to talk it over before committing?