The Missing Link in AI Education:
A Framework for Simplified, Scalable AI Adoption

How Bizzuka's AI Education Program
Equips Students for Real-World Success

Our foundational training curriculum addresses the critical gap between academic AI understanding and practical business application. This provides students with the tools and frameworks they need to make an immediate impact in the workforce.

The Missing Piece in Higher Education AI Programs

Universities and colleges do an outstanding job of teaching AI history, theory, and concepts. However, most fail to provide students with a practical framework and executional skills to use generative AI tools in a business setting.

Bizzuka's AI academic program fills this critical gap by teaching students two essential frameworks: the AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™.

By integrating these methodologies into your curriculum, you can equip your students with the tools needed to make an immediate impact and stand out.

Empowering Students with the AI Strategy Canvas™

The AI Strategy Canvas™ helps students understand the two most critical applications of AI in the workplace:

  1. How to strategically discuss and deploy AI integrations across various business functions and units, and
  2.  How to craft powerful, efficient, and effective prompts to get the most out of generative AI tools.

By teaching this methodology, you provide your students with a structured approach to identifying AI opportunities. This will align them with business goals and implement them with efficiency and precision. This critical skill set is highly sought after by companies who are already standardizing on this framework and are in the hunt for "contribution-ready" graduates.

Scalable Prompt Engineering™: The Key to AI Efficiency

One of the most critical skills missing from current AI curricula is the ability to create modular, reusable prompts.

Scalable Prompt Engineering™ enables students to develop structured prompts that can be efficiently shared, repurposed, and tailored to various business needs, fostering collaboration across departments.

By mastering this skill, your students will be able to develop AI prompts that are efficient, consistent, and easily adaptable to various business use cases. Companies are seeking to streamline their AI processes and maximize the technology's potential.

Teaching your students Scalable Prompt Engineering™ will give them a competitive edge in the job market. It will also enable them to make valuable contributions to their future employers from day one.

Comprehensive Support for Educators

From certification to real-world examples and ongoing support, we empower educators to deliver cutting-edge AI skills to students.

Certified Instructor Program

Our certified instructor program is designed to provide educators with a deep understanding of our AI education framework and how to effectively integrate it into your curricula. 

Equipping students with practical AI skills starts with educators who can bridge the gap between academic principles and real world application. That's why we offer a robust support system for college instructors. We ensure you have the knowledge, resources, and ongoing support to effectively teach our AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™ methodologies.

Real-World Use-Cases

By providing educators with concrete, up-to-date, industry-relevant examples, we enable you to create engaging and impactful learning experiences that resonate with students and their future employers. 

Our real-world scenarios span across various industries and business functions. This ensures that students gain a comprehensive understanding of how to execute AI requests with efficiency and competency. 

They'll leave your course with the ability to drive efficiency, innovation, and growth in diverse corporate settings.

Online Instructor Community

We believe that ongoing support and professional development are crucial for educators to stay at the forefront of AI education.

That's why we provide access to an online certified instructor community, where educators can connect with peers, share best practices, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and prompt engineering. 

AI is changing at a truly incomprehensible speed, so being part of a community of AI experts, educators, and business leaders will keep your skills sharp and ensure your teaching evolves at the same pace as AI, itself.


They Say

Roy Haggerty

Executive VP & Provost

Louisiana State University

“I’ve not seen anything that is advanced as what John is doing in terms of actually putting these LLMs to work for solving business problems on a day in, day out kind of basis."


John Thompson



"The moment I used the AI Strategy Canvas™ to start writing a prompt, just one of them, it structured everything. And I started to understand how everything started to fall into place."


Join Us in Shaping the Future of an AI-Ready Workforce

Ready to transform AI Education with the AI Strategy Canvas™ and Scalable Prompt Engineering™?  Click below to learn more about our program and how to integrate it into your curricula.