Quickly Identify the Leverage Points that Will Improve Your Marketing Results
Your OPTICS™ Score
The OPTICS™ Marketing Checkup is a quick series of 20 questions that you rate your organization on a scale of 1-5 in each of the Six Critical Phases of your marketing operation. If you answer the questions honestly, within 5 minutes you'll clearly identify which phases are lacking and holding you back from achieving your revenue growth goals.
The Six Critical Phases
The goal is to constantly improve in these six phases so your results will continue to get better and your team will become more efficient without constant oversight. Our OPTICS™ Accelerator digital marketing course takes you through this exact framework.
Take the Marketing OPTICS™ Checkup at least twice a year, and watch your score climb as you take the necessary steps to get stronger in each of these Six Critical Phases of Marketing OPTICS™. Your first step towards massive revenue growth starts with understanding your performance in each of the Six Critical Phases of your marketing operation.
Have you established and documented the baseline which includes all the key reference points for making adjustments to optimize your future outcomes?
How well have you developed and communicated your short-term and long-term vision for your company, and has your entire team bought into where you are going?
Do you have a thorough understanding of the mindset of your ideal client/patient, and do you know the best way to communicate your value in a way that attracts and converts prospects?
Are you able to fully implement your strategy and tactics utilizing the proper KPIs and SOPs to ensure your goals are reached on a predictable and consistent basis?
Are the right people monitoring the right metrics, and are you able to appropriately refine tactics in real-time for maximum results?
Do you have a process and systematized meeting cadence that keeps everyone synchronized on company objectives and progress?
Pinpoint & Triage
Pinpoint your weak spots and start working on a plan for improvement.
Receive your results in less than 5 minutes, and then develop an action plan to uncover root causes and a road map to success.
Then reassess every 3-6 months to maintain momentum and ensure progress.
Your Path to Explosive Revenue Growth Starts here