5 Hidden Costs of AI Training and How to Avoid Them 

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July 30, 2024

If you want to stay competitive, you need to train your team in AI. 

Simple as that.

Unfortunately, many businesses dive into AI training without realizing the hidden costs involved. 

These 5 unexpected expenses can strain budgets and hinder the effectiveness of training programs. 

By knowing what to expect, you can ensure the AI training you choose is both effective and cost-efficient, setting your business up for long-term success.

1. Unanticipated Software and Hardware Upgrades

When starting AI training, the initial focus often revolves around the course content and instructional methods. 

However, one of the most significant hidden costs is the need for software and hardware upgrades. AI training typically requires powerful computers, specialized software, and specific AI tools that might not be part of your current tech stack. 

These necessities can lead to substantial and unexpected expenses.

To avoid these unexpected costs, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough audit of your current technology infrastructure and what the course requires before committing to an AI training program. Assess your hardware capabilities and software compatibility. Identify what you have, what you need, and what upgrades will be necessary. This proactive approach allows you to budget accurately and avoid surprises down the road.

2. The Price of Employee Downtime

Employee downtime is another hidden cost that companies often overlook when planning for AI training. Training sessions can be time-consuming, pulling employees away from their regular duties and reducing overall productivity. While the goal is to upskill the workforce and make them more efficient in the long run, the short-term impact on daily operations can create a setback.

To mitigate the cost of employee downtime, it’s essential to plan training schedules strategically. Here are a few tips to help you manage this:

Stagger Training Sessions

Instead of enrolling all relevant employees in the training at once, stagger the sessions. This approach ensures that only a portion of your team is away at any given time, maintaining a steady level of productivity.

Look for Customized Training

Your HR department doesn’t need to be taking a robotics course–that’s a waste of time. 

This is why it’s so important to look for AI-driven training platforms that offer personalized learning paths. You want a course that will offer individualized training for all of your employees, focusing on areas most relevant to them. This targeted approach can make the training more efficient and less time-consuming.

Monitor and Adjust

Regularly monitor the impact of the training on productivity and make adjustments as needed. Gather feedback from employees about the training process and its scheduling. Use this feedback to refine the program and minimize downtime.

By carefully planning and implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce the hidden cost of employee downtime during AI training. This ensures that your team continues to perform effectively while acquiring the valuable AI skills they need to drive your business forward.

3. Underestimating the Need for Continuous Learning

Many organizations invest in initial training programs but overlook the necessity of ongoing education to keep their workforce up-to-date with the latest AI developments. This oversight can lead to outdated skills, reduced efficiency, and missed opportunities for innovation.

Consider a scenario where your team undergoes an intensive AI training program. They emerge with a strong foundation in current AI tools and techniques. However, as months go by, new algorithms, frameworks, and best practices emerge. Without continuous learning, your team’s knowledge becomes outdated, and their ability to leverage AI effectively diminishes.

To avoid the hidden cost of stagnant knowledge, it’s essential to find  training that offers continuous, such as:

Regular Training Updates

Good AI training will keep your employees informed about the latest trends and technologies. This can include workshops, webinars, and online courses that focus on recent advancements and practical applications.

Lifelong Learning

Foster a culture in your organization where continuous education is valued and encouraged. Offer incentives for employees who pursue additional certifications or attend AI conferences. Highlight the importance of staying current.

Get Your Team AI Certified

By putting a few of your team members through the Certified AI Instructor program, they’ll be able to guide and support less experienced team members. Encourage knowledge sharing through regular team meetings, where employees can present new AI tools or techniques they’ve learned.

AI Learning Communities

Look for trainings that offer AI learning communities where course members can discuss new developments, share insights, collaborate, and network. These communities can help maintain enthusiasm and momentum for continuous learning.

4. Customization and Integration Expenses

Off-the-shelf AI training programs often need to be customized to meet the specific needs of your organization. This customization can lead to unforeseen expenses, especially when integrating new AI tools and techniques into your existing systems. Without proper planning, these costs can quickly add up, impacting your budget and delaying the benefits of AI implementation.

For example, picture a generic AI training program. 

While the content is comprehensive, it doesn’t align perfectly with your industry’s unique requirements or the specific challenges your teams face. As a result, you need to hire external consultants or dedicate internal resources to tailor the training materials, exercises, and projects. 

Additionally, integrating new AI tools with your current software and workflows can require significant technical expertise and time, leading to further costs. As mentioned earlier, you’ll want a personalized training program out the gate. 

To manage customization and integration expenses effectively, consider these strategies:

Conduct a Needs Assessment

Before selecting an AI training program, conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the specific skills and knowledge your teams require. This will help you choose a program that aligns closely with your organization’s goals, reducing the need for extensive customization.

Collaborate with Providers

Work closely with AI training providers to ensure their content can be adapted to your needs. Many providers offer customizable training solutions and may be willing to work with you to tailor their materials, reducing the need for additional external resources.

Use Existing Infrastructure

Integrate new AI tools with your existing IT infrastructure whenever possible. This can involve using APIs or middleware to connect new software with current systems, avoiding the need for costly overhauls of your tech stack.

By anticipating the need for customization and integration, and taking proactive steps to manage these expenses, you can avoid unexpected costs and ensure a smoother implementation of AI training programs. This strategic approach not only keeps your budget in check but also maximizes the ROI in AI training.

5. The Cost of Ineffective Training Programs

Not all AI training programs are created equal. 

Choosing a program that doesn’t fit your organization’s needs can result in wasted time, money, and effort. Ineffective training programs fail to equip employees with the practical skills and knowledge they need to implement AI successfully. This leads to additional costs for retraining and can slow down your AI adoption process.

To avoid the cost of ineffective training programs, follow these guidelines:

Evaluate Training Content Thoroughly

Before committing to a training program, evaluate the content thoroughly. Look for programs that offer  practical application. Ensure the curriculum includes hands-on projects, case studies, and industry-specific examples that align with your business needs.

Check Instructor Credentials

The quality of instructors can significantly impact the effectiveness of the training. Choose programs led by experienced professionals with a proven track record in AI and are endorsed by other professionals. Verified credentials and positive reviews from past participants can be good indicators of instructor quality.

Seek Feedback from Peers

Ask for recommendations and feedback from other companies or professionals who have undergone similar training. Peer reviews can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the program and its relevance to your industry.

Ensure Continuous Support

Effective training programs offer ongoing support and resources beyond the initial course. Look for programs that provide access to online communities, follow-up workshops, and continuous learning opportunities. This support helps employees stay updated with the latest AI advancements and reinforces their learning.

Align with Business Goals

Make sure the training program aligns with your overall business goals and AI strategy. The training should not only impart technical skills but also focus on how AI can be integrated into your existing workflows and processes to drive business value. By choosing a training program that fits your organization’s specific needs and provides practical, hands-on learning, you can avoid the hidden costs of ineffective training. 

AI SkillsBuilder™ is designed to help you achieve this vision. 

With its comprehensive curriculum, tailored training tracks, and continuous support, AI SkillsBuilder™ ensures your team is equipped with the latest AI skills and knowledge. 

There’s a reason LSU partnered with us for this program.

The AI SkillsBuilder™ offers practical, hands-on learning that aligns with your business goals, making AI adoption smooth and effective. Don't let hidden costs derail your AI training efforts. Sign up today to join our next cohort.